Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fruits: 4-6 months

Avocado is an awesome choice for a 1st fruit! It's little prep work, no cooking and extremely healthy. All you have to do is scoop it out of the skin and mash it, again, no need to cook it. Avocado however doesn't freeze nicely, it will turn brown and not look attractive. It's something that you want to prep right when you are going to use it because it will brown from oxidation.

Bananas are much the same as avocado; little prep and no cooking needed. You can heat them up a bit in the microwave to help soften, if need be.

Pears and apples are another great choice. I leave the skin on, cut them in half, scoop out the seeds, and bake on a cookie sheet with about 1/4 inch of water in the bottom. Bake until soft, let cool and puree. You can puree these 2 fruits together or separately. We like to mix a bit of cinnamon into individual servings for a bit more flavor. I'm a big believer that if you start children young on eating more robust flavors, that they (and you) will benefit in the future by not being picky eaters., a great article on using spices in baby food.

Steamed or baked peaches are another sweet treat for baby. Cook, either method, until soft. I suggest cooking with the skin on and scooping the meat out of the skin, it's a lot less work that way. Seasoning peaches with cinnamon is good too. Vanilla is another good choice. A little goes a long way! A pinch or 2 of cinnamon and 1/8 tsp of vanilla is all you need at 1st because it's such a small portion.

Here's a decent chart from the same website above on freezing items. I don't agree with it on avocado, apples, or pears. I wouldn't freeze avocado, at all. I've not had apples or pears turn brown as the chart suggests. 

Also remember again to buy seasonally. Peaches might not be available now, I've checked 2 stores and they didn't have them. I wouldn't suggest using canned fruits either, they are loaded with sugar and preservatives.

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