My son is 7.5 months old and has 9 teeth. He got his 1st one at 3.5 months. It has been non-stop teething since. This past week started out miserably. He was irritable and in pain and inconsolable. We noticed he wan't eating his food very well. We thought maybe he was sick, after all, he was congested and pulling on his ear a lot. The ear pulling was a little concerning, but not enough to rush to the dr. He was drooling everywhere and gnawing on everything.
We tried to give him finger foods, but he was just not interested. And hot foods, forget it! So we came to the conclusion he must be teething again. We decided to try some cold items with him. Greek yogurt was an awesome choice. It's healthy and full of protein and good bacterias. Plain greek yogurt is the best choice for baby. You can then add your own fruit puree to it. I think the coolness of the yogurt and the fact that he doesn't need to gum it helped him to eat. Also, just plain old cold pureed fruits worked pretty well for him. This may not be the same for all babies, but it's worth a shot! Just think of what you'd want for a sore tooth, cold or hot?
Also, mesh feeders with frozen apple chunks have been our friend lately. You can put just about anything in these things and it's safe for baby because they can't get anything besides juice and small food particles out of it. Here's a link to some on amazon- They are worth the cost!